The Flutterby Effect

A collection of writing, chaotic and otherwise, where the rules do not exist.

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Location: Mamaku, New Zealand

Saturday, March 11, 2006


The last time we all got together
was a real yacophony
The hubble bub of insights
and our mellowing wisdom
knives and forks stabbing through
the self-foolfoolling pats on the back
The rattle from chains of word
associations formed long ago
and unsung idealisms turned realisms
on the fattened yolks of broken ego shells

and the property boom didnt hurt either.


Blogger (c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

I like that, especially the "self-foolfooling", good to see you writing more, or at least posting what you've written.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Crunchy Weta said...

Hey ta for that. Actually this blogwas not ever sposed to be a poetry thingy so I have started a new one...

Thanks for inspiring me to try a bit of this again :-)

12:53 AM  
Blogger Yasmin Waring said...

This piss
I like.
Love the word play.

2:53 AM  
Blogger Crunchy Weta said...

HI Scheherazade, Thnx for dropping in and glad you like the word play. have to admmire someone who can go from genocide to soaked loins and sheets to genocide in a few lines!

11:04 PM  

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